Some exciting technologies and innovation come together for this years event.
One of the well designed integration solutions includes “Stiletto / Craft Integrated Electronics Suite™ (CIES) for Maritime ISR & Littoral-Riverine Activities.” Mr. Larry Wiley, an accomplished Senior Systems Engineer from the Naval Surface Warfare Center and Mr. Kevin Poe of Azimuth, Inc. will host the demo. This solution consists of:
CIES, a software/hardware suite designed by Azimuth that integrates all onboard engineering, external operational data, communications and sensor systems.
Mesh network created by CoCo Communications, hosted on American Reliance (AMREL) computing platforms, ties in the boat’s systems to a UAV, external sensors, satellite networks, the Rigid-Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) launched from the Stiletto, and the SEAL team deployed on the RHIB.
Mobile devices provided by AMREL, including the RHIB’s rugged mobile server, the team’s PDAs, and tablets used by the RHIB’s coxswain & deployed team.
CIES offers total onboard integration to the boat’s entire crew. All onboard displays have complete access to navigation, intelligence, sensor information and other relevant data.
Integration is extended over the “Last Tactical Mile” to the action team via CoCo’s mesh network. This allows forward deployed handheld communications devices to function as repeaters, thus extending the communications footprint. Read more here
One of the well designed integration solutions includes “Stiletto / Craft Integrated Electronics Suite™ (CIES) for Maritime ISR & Littoral-Riverine Activities.” Mr. Larry Wiley, an accomplished Senior Systems Engineer from the Naval Surface Warfare Center and Mr. Kevin Poe of Azimuth, Inc. will host the demo. This solution consists of:
CIES, a software/hardware suite designed by Azimuth that integrates all onboard engineering, external operational data, communications and sensor systems.
Mesh network created by CoCo Communications, hosted on American Reliance (AMREL) computing platforms, ties in the boat’s systems to a UAV, external sensors, satellite networks, the Rigid-Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) launched from the Stiletto, and the SEAL team deployed on the RHIB.
Mobile devices provided by AMREL, including the RHIB’s rugged mobile server, the team’s PDAs, and tablets used by the RHIB’s coxswain & deployed team.
CIES offers total onboard integration to the boat’s entire crew. All onboard displays have complete access to navigation, intelligence, sensor information and other relevant data.
Integration is extended over the “Last Tactical Mile” to the action team via CoCo’s mesh network. This allows forward deployed handheld communications devices to function as repeaters, thus extending the communications footprint. Read more here